

Why Choose Digital Locks?

Automatic Locking

Automatic Locking

Just close the door when going out. The lock automactically locks the door for you, ensuring peace of mind as you never have to recheck ever again.

Keyless Entry

Keyless Entry

No more having to search your pockets or bags for your key and having to worry losing them.With a digital lock, just a simple code or RFID tag will do. Some models even having fingerprint authentication!

Advanced Security

Advanced Security

Security is the most important aspect of traditional locks. Digital locks take that aspect one step further.The ability to choose and change your code whenever you want is ideal to deter intruders. The lock also has a fire warning system in place.

Smart Functions

Smart Functions

Digital locks can host a wide array of smart functions, primarily through the accompanied apps.These functions include wireless notifications, password control, lock control, setting up one-time passwords for visitors and tracking history.

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